8 Proven Health Benefits of Muskmelon Seeds You Should Know

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Musk Melon – The name may sound familiar but chances are many of us may not have seen or eaten this fruit earlier since it usually gets overshadowed by the more popular fruits in the market. However, it has seen growing popularity in recent years and has high demand not only for being tasty but also for being highly nutritious. 

Muskmelon, a fruit loved by many has several medicinal properties and is used in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine for its cooling and soothing effects. It is used to cure indigestion and provide relief from constipation. 

Also known as cantaloupe, it is a type of melon that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family which is native to India, Africa, and the Middle East. Owing to its sweet, fleshy, and unique aroma, this fruit is now grown across the globe and relished by everyone. Besides being eaten whole, it is also a popular ingredient for desserts, salads, juices, and other side dish items. 

But, not everyone knows that in addition to its flesh, the seeds of this fruit are also loaded with nutrition which helps in boosting your health considerably. Its seeds are a powerhouse of bioactive compounds like tocopherols, phospholipids, and sterols. The seeds also have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-Alzheimer, and diuretic properties.

Let us look at the nutritional profile and how they benefit our health.

Nutritional Profile of Muskmelon Seeds

health benefits of muskmelon seeds

100 grams of muskmelon seeds contain the following nutrients.

NutrientPer 100 gm
Calories557 KCal
Carbohydrates22.87 gm
Protein32.80 gm
Fat37.1 gm
Dietary Fibre0.2 gm

Additionally, it contains several minerals such as Calcium 24.77 mg, Magnesium 44.96 mg, Phosphorus 92.49 mg, and Potassium 75.99 mg. However, it is low in Iron 16.4 mg, and sodium 7.4, and Zinc 7.5 mg. 

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Health Benefits Of Musk Melon Seeds

 Musk melon seeds have a nutty flavour and a crunchy texture. It can be added to other food items and can also be had by drying it and having it as a snack. Its seeds are usually thrown away by most since it does not taste anywhere like the fruit. However, the seeds are packed with nutrition and carry numerous health benefits. Some of those are listed below:

Helps Manage Weight

Muskmelon seeds are is a rich vegan source of proteins. Hence, it can be helpful in feeling satiety and building muscles. This increases the metabolic rate, which in turn helps manage weight. However, it should be consumed in moderation, else could lead to constipation.

Improves Skin And Hair Growth

Muskmelon seed is rich in polyunsaturated fat like linoleic acid ( omega 6) which helps stimulate hair growth and better skin. This also regulates metabolism and maintains reproductive system.

Lowers Inflammation In The Body

Chronic inflammation can damage healthy cells leading to arthritis, cancer, diabetes and various other health conditions. Muskmelon seeds contains Omega 9 and methanolic extract which has analgesic properties. These seeds can reduce an abnormal increase in white cells and leukotriene B4, which cause inflammation in the body.

Can Reduce Ulcer Activity

The methanolic extract in muskmelon seeds neutralizes the free radicals, reduces vascular permeability which causes proteins and large molecules to not get absorbed sufficiently; and strengthens mucosacal barrier which prevents gastric acids from damaging the stomach itself.

Has Antimicrobial Properties

The N-Hexane and methanolic extracts of muskmelon seeds have anti-microbial properties. It is also effective in eliminating parasitic worms.

Has Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Lipidemic Properties

Tests on rats have shown that muskmelon seed extracts can help increase HDL and manage triglyceride, LDL and fasting blood glucose. 

Has a Positive Effect on Cognition Enhancement

In animal test models, muskmelon seed extracts are shown to inhibit certain enzymes and toxic proteins that can damage brain cells. This could potentially be helpful in preventing and managing dementia and Alzheimers.

Can Be Helpful In Managing Renal Diseases

Ethanolic extracts of muskmelon seeds are known to have diuretic effect, which means it increases passing of urine. This can be helpful in managing renal diseases.  

How To Eat Muskmelon Seeds?

Sunflower seeds are wildly popular in South-East Asian countries as a snack, and their popularity has also picked up in other parts of the world in recent decades. If you have eaten sunflower seeds, in all likelihood, you will like musk melon seeds too. 

Musk Melon seeds can be eaten directly by adding them to any curry since it does not emit any distinct smell of their own. Additionally, the seeds can be cleaned, dried, and roasted in a slow fire or a microwave oven. Once the seed turns light brown, check for its consistency and crispiness. If it’s crunchy, the seed is ready as a snack at your convenience. Commercial manufacturers follow the same process but only on a larger scale with added salt and other condiments to improve their taste.

How To Store Muskmelon Seeds?

The shelf life of musk melon seen may vary depending on how it is prepared. If it is merely cleaned and stored, the seeds need to be eaten within a few days before they get spoiled. In case the seed is roasted, it can be stored for up to 2-3 months. However, we strongly suggest that the seeds be eaten within a month of preparation.

The seeds need to be stored in an airtight container at all times away from direct sunlight. Some also prefer storing the seeds in the refrigerator for future usage. However, it may lose its nutrients if kept under such conditions for a prolonged period.

In summary, musk melon is a simple and uncomplicated fruit with a whole lot of goodness inside it. It is sweet, flesh, juicy, and healthy; it just couldn’t get any better. And that’s not all; it is also used as an ingredient in many other food items such as salad, juice, smoothie, shakes, and desserts just to name a few.  

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